What It's Like To Build Wealth Faster, Safer, and With More Certainty...

Jordan Cooper

Monica Decker

Will I have enough?” Can Be Answered With A Confident “YES!

Our Vision

A world where every hard-working person can enjoy a fulfilling, purposeful life filled with financial peace of mind.

Our Mission

We are committed to empowering people to achieve exponential financial growth through innovative solutions that maximize every dollar, helping to build wealth faster, safer, and with more certainty.

Testimonial Stars

“Our coach is helping us look at our finances in a whole new way, shifting our perspective from an investor to a banker. We’re surrounded by a team to help us achieve the true happiness that comes from real financial freedom.”

- William & Darcy W.

It felt like our family was really living a temporary version of “fine” rather than being fine for the long term. Caring for my 82 year old Dad made me realize how precious time is. Our conversations about whether my wife and I were “doing okay” made me think, “where will we be when we’re in our 80s?”

We’d spent our 30s trying to build a healthy portfolio through real estate and other investments, but despite our best intentions to build long-term wealth our gains were always short-lived. We couldn’t keep guessing–we needed something solid that would not only fund the rest of our lives but the lives of our children and beyond. Peace of mind is way more important than the sleepless nights that come with longshot investment gambles.

We launched our income machine in just a couple weeks. A month later we received our first payment. Plus, our teenagers have begun showing an interest in the family financials to the point where our teenage daughter asked if we can use the family bank. Our coach is helping us look at our finances in a whole new way, shifting our perspective from an investor to a banker. It’s a concept we’ve been familiar with for a long time, but now we finally have a plan to help us execute. We’re surrounded by a team to help us achieve the true happiness that comes from real, financial freedom.

Testimonial Stars

“What I, and so many others are missing, is Fynanc. I’m now empowered with the ability to change my family’s legacy. Understanding how the financial system really works is what I have been gifted; and I’m forever grateful.”

- John T.

As a kid, I realized I needed to find a way to make finances work for me. I thought college and becoming an engineer would be the solution. I was making good money, but I never felt like I was getting ahead. I partnered with a friend to learn stocks, and spent hours on the computer learning everything out there, but I ended up wasting more time than I knew. In 2018 my dad passed away. Although I’m grateful I had time with him while he was battling cancer; I wish I had been financially secure enough to step away from my job back then.

At his funeral my favorite Aunt told me she knew when she would leave this world too. I told her no one knows when; but she insisted. She calculated down to the month when her “retirement” savings would run out and had decided she would pass on soon after that. I realized this is the exact same thought process for many people–to simply pass on once the retirement funds are gone.

What I, and so many others are missing, is Fynanc. The powerful concepts were like a puzzle coming together for me. My eyes have been opened to a new world, one that was only a dream to me growing up. I’m now empowered with the ability to change my family’s legacy and have a positive lasting impact on my community. Understanding how the financial system really works is what I have been gifted; and I’m forever grateful.

Testimonial Stars

“Fynanc opened our eyes and quite literally ripped us out of the paradigm we were in. We turned 6-figures of upcoming surrogacy expenses (that were about to go out the door and thought we’d never see again) into the basis of a lifelong asset that keeps growing.

- Brian E. & Gabe K.

We had over 6-figures of debt and knew there had to be a better way to advance financially than making monthly debt payments. Although our other assets were growing slowly-they still didn’t even seem to be keeping up with inflation. We made bad stock picks and had a fix-and-flip that went south, and the thought of figuring out how to gain true expertise in those areas seemed daunting.

Our dream of starting a family through surrogacy would require at least 6-figures. So, we had been pushing a boulder up a hill, hoping that with enough years of brute force, we’d make it to the top one day…and hopefully, the boulder wouldn’t ever slip and bowl us over.

Fynanc opened our eyes and quite literally ripped us out of the paradigm we were in. We felt lighter and excited about the path that appeared before us to help make our financial and family goals attainable. We implemented a strategy that turned our 6-figures of upcoming surrogacy expenses (that were about to go out the door and thought we’d never see again) into the basis of a lifelong asset that keeps growing.

We used another strategy that allowed us to watch some of our debt disappear off the books of our bank, and reappear as assets on our own balance sheet. When we hit “click” and saw some of our debt balances go to zero on the bank website, and then reappear as an income stream, it felt like magic…but it was REAL! 

Individual experiences shared here may not be typical.  Background, education, effort, and application will affect your experience.  The information shared here is an example and not a guarantee of success. The company does not track the typical results of its clients.  Your results may vary.

Create Financial Peace Of Mind And Build Wealth...



Exponentially grow your cash flow by increasing your “velocity of money” through implementing banking strategies to achieve your financial goals in record time.



Grow predictable and consistent passive income with stable and low-risk assets (instead of risky investments) that let your money work harder for you than you do for it.

more certainty


Experience peace of mind from knowing with more certainty when you will achieve your passive income goal and “financial freedom date” with a customized step by step plan.

"Will I Have Enough?"

A simple powerful question that most people on the road to financial freedom cannot answer. WHY? What’s missing?

The journey for many hard-working, well-intentioned people starts with a dream for a better life, for themselves, for their kids, and future generations.

Along the way, they suffer setbacks. They blame themselves for not being good enough, not being smart enough, or not working hard enough. They make so many sacrifices that they told themselves they would never make…

They did NOT have to suffer through any of this. They are missing critical information. Unbeknownst to them, their investment decisions are based on flawed ideas! Their journey is slow, full of potential career-ending risk, unnecessary stress and with no certainty. They’re using the same broken and flawed methods of investing as the people before them.

They waste the best years of their lives on a lie that will never get them to financial freedom. Unfortunately, the story is destined to repeat itself. The next generation will start down this same exact road, only to wake up decades later and find out that it doesn’t lead to financial freedom. 

People will do anything to spare themselves from the pain of a limited life, choosing to invest in countless educational seminars, hire the best financial teams, and use robo-advisors, all of which perpetuate the same flawed ideas. Many investment strategies today are based on the same broken approach. That’s why most people still can’t answer the question “Will I have enough?”

Until Now...

Where others chase tenants, doors, and yields, we help you build an income machine that generates a larger VOLUME of stable assets with predictable results.

Your income machine will help you move from…

  • Fear to Empowerment
  • Chaos to a Systematic Approach
  • Stress to Peace Of Mind
  • A life spent in the daily grind to an Exact Financial Freedom Date

We packaged advanced algorithms, best practices, and proven financial strategies into an intelligent system. This system generates simple actionable insights controlled from a smart device in the palm of your hand, only requiring one hour a month, that can allow you to see results in a matter of weeks.

This can help you move closer to financial freedom faster, safer, with less stress and a lot more certainty, every day.

Welcome To The New Paradigm Of Wealth Building That Is Focused On The Finance-First Approach!

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