What Our Members Have To Say
Jordan Cooper
Monica Decker
Jason Yutze
FYNANC Members
Our Stories
- William & Darcy
We’d spent our 30s trying to build a healthy portfolio through real estate and other investments, but despite our best intentions to build long-term wealth our gains were always short-lived. We couldn’t keep guessing–we needed something solid that would not only fund the rest of our lives but the lives of our children and beyond. Peace of mind is way more important than the sleepless nights that come with longshot investment gambles.
We launched our income machine in just a couple weeks. A month later we received our first payment. Plus, our teenagers have begun showing an interest in the family financials to the point where our teenage daughter asked if we can use the family bank. Our coach is helping us look at our finances in a whole new way, shifting our perspective from an investor to a banker. It’s a concept we’ve been familiar with for a long time, but now we finally have a plan to help us execute. We’re surrounded by a team to help us achieve the true happiness that comes from real, financial freedom.
- John
At his funeral my favorite Aunt told me she knew when she would leave this world too. I told her no one knows when; but she insisted. She calculated down to the month when her “retirement” savings would run out and had decided she would pass on soon after that. I realized this is the exact same thought process for many people–to simply pass on once the retirement funds are gone.
What I, and so many others are missing, is Fynanc. The powerful concepts were like a puzzle coming together for me. My eyes have been opened to a new world, one that was only a dream to me growing up. I’m now empowered with the ability to change my family’s legacy and have a positive lasting impact on my community. Understanding how the financial system really works is what I have been gifted; and I’m forever grateful.
“Fynanc opened our eyes and quite literally ripped us out of the paradigm we were in. We turned 6-figures of upcoming surrogacy expenses (that were about to go out the door and thought we’d never see again) into the basis of a lifelong asset that keeps growing.“
- Brian & Gabe
Our dream of starting a family through surrogacy would require at least 6-figures. So, we had been pushing a boulder up a hill, hoping that with enough years of brute force, we’d make it to the top one day…and hopefully, the boulder wouldn’t ever slip and bowl us over.
Fynanc opened our eyes and quite literally ripped us out of the paradigm we were in. We felt lighter and excited about the path that appeared before us to help make our financial and family goals attainable. We implemented a strategy that turned our 6-figures of upcoming surrogacy expenses (that were about to go out the door and thought we’d never see again) into the basis of a lifelong asset that keeps growing.
We used another strategy that allowed us to watch some of our debt disappear off the books of our bank, and reappear as assets on our own balance sheet. When we hit “click” and saw some of our debt balances go to zero on the bank website, and then reappear as an income stream, it felt like magic…but it was REAL!