Why You Need an Investor Framework to Accelerate Your Results

Jul 13, 2023 | Latest Articles

Discover why it's crucial to have an investor framework in place to guide your decision-making process to accelerate your results.

Investing is a complex and challenging task, and the decisions you make can have a significant impact on your financial success. With so many different investment options and strategies to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to begin.

That’s why it’s crucial to have an investor framework in place to guide your decision-making process to accelerate your results.

Warren Buffet, one of the most successful investors of all time, is a prime example of the importance of having an investor framework to inform your decisions. Buffet is known for his disciplined and patient approach to investing, which is grounded in a set of core principles that guide his decision-making.

“We don’t have to be smarter than the rest. We have to be more disciplined than the rest.”

– Warren Buffet

Why do you need an investor framework?

There are several reasons why investors need an investor framework to succeed.

An Investor Framework

1. A structured approach

First and foremost, an investor framework provides a structured approach that helps you stay on track and avoid emotional decision-making.

When the market is volatile or unexpected events occur, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and make hasty decisions that can have negative consequences. Having a framework in place can help you to stay calm and focused on your long-term goals, even when the short-term outlook is uncertain.

2. Evaluate investment opportunities

Secondly, an investor framework provides a set of guidelines that you can use to evaluate investment opportunities. This can be particularly helpful when it comes to assessing risk. By using a consistent approach to risk assessment, you can make informed decisions that align with your risk tolerance.

3. Measure progress

Finally, an investor framework can help you stay accountable and measure your progress over time. By setting clear goals and benchmarks, you can track your performance and adjust as needed. This can be particularly helpful for long-term investors who are focused on building wealth over time.

“To invest successfully, one doesn’t need a stratospheric IQ… What’s needed is a sound intellectual framework for making decisions and the ability to keep emotions from corroding that framework.”

– Warren Buffett.

Assess your decision-making ability with the Three-Item Test

Making investment decisions is a complex process, and your brain is not actually wired to help you a lot of the time.

Please take a moment to answer these simple questions:

1. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs a dollar more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

2. If it takes five minutes for five machines to make five widgets, how long does it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long will it take to cover half the lake?

Cognitive Reflection Test

Shane Frederick, a professor at the Yale University School of Management, developed these three questions to assess people’s ability to solve problems – and unfortunately, most of us fail this test.

Frederick, a behavioral economist, proposes a theory of decision-making known as the Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT) or the “Three-Item Test.” This test is designed to measure your ability to override your initial, intuitive response to a problem and instead engage in more deliberate and reflective thinking.

The correct answers to these questions are not immediately obvious and require careful consideration. The intuitive answers, which are often incorrect, are:

  • The ball costs $0.10 (the correct answer is $0.05).
  • It would take 100 minutes (the correct answer is 5 minutes).
  • It would take 24 days (the correct answer is 47 days).

According to Frederick’s theory, individuals who can resist their initial, intuitive response and engage in more deliberate thinking are more likely to make better decisions. This is because they consider all relevant information and apply logic and previously learned principles before making a decision.

Let us apply some basic mathematical principles to these questions and see if it’s easier to get the correct answers:

1. What is the cost of the ball?

Cognitive Reflection Test question 1

In question one, many people jump to the conclusion that the bat costs $1.00 and the ball costs $.10. However, if we convert the problem into a simple mathematical equation, the answer looks quite different:

Let’s assume that the cost of the ball is x dollars.

According to the problem, we know that the bat costs one dollar more than the ball, which means that the cost of the bat is (x + 1) dollars.

We are also given that the total cost of the bat and the ball is $1.10.

Using this information, we can set up an equation:

  • x + (x + 1) = 1.10

Simplifying this equation, we get:

  • 2x + 1 = 1.10

Subtracting 1 from both sides, we get:

  • 2x = 0.10

Dividing both sides by 2, we get:

  • x = 0.05

Therefore, the ball costs $0.05.

To check our answer, we can plug it back into the original equation:

0.05 + 1.05 = 1.10

So, the total cost of the bat and the ball is indeed $1.10.

2. How long will 100 machines take to make 100 widgets?

Cognitive Reflection Test question 2

The second question can be tricky if we forget to apply the appropriate mathematical principle. If you take a moment to examine the question properly, you will realize that we are talking about the mathematical principle of ratios and proportions.

If it takes five minutes for five machines to make five widgets.

  • 5 machines = 5 widgets / 5 minutes

We can infer that each machine can make one widget in five minutes.

  • 1 machine = 1 widget / 5 minutes

The proportion is therefore 1 (machine) : 1 (widget) every 5 minutes

So, for 100 machines to make 100 widgets, we would need the same amount of time per widget, which means each machine can still make one widget in five minutes.

Therefore, it would take 100 machines the same amount of time as 5 machines to make one widget, which is 5 minutes.

3. When will the lily pad cover half the lake?

Cognitive Reflection Test question 3

The third question is arguably the hardest question of the three because it’s calculating compound growth. Many people who read this question believe that the answer can only be deduced using complex mathematical formulas. However, simple logic will provide the answer.

If the patch of lily pads doubles in size every day, then on day 47, the patch will be half the size of the lake. On the next day, day 48, it will double in size and cover the entire lake.

Therefore, it will take 47 days for the patch to cover half the lake.

Simple, once you know what mathematical principle to use, right?

Your decision-making process will determine your financial future

You might be wondering how the above test questions relate to your performance as an investor. The answer is simple.

The human brain is designed to make ‘fast and dirty’ snap judgements when faced with a problem. This can help us avoid an accident or choose what we want for dinner. However, when you are making critical decisions that can have a lasting effect on your financial future, you need something more. You need a framework that will allow you to cut out the emotions and biases that cloud your judgement. This framework needs to be a strategic and disciplined approach based on proven principles to ensure clarity and certainty.

When initially confronted with Fredricks’s Three-Item Test, you might have experienced some anxiety about having your mathematical skills tested. You might also have felt suspicious, expecting some kind of trick to the questions. You could have come to the correct answer and then allowed self-doubt to get in the way. These emotions cloud your ability to employ the simple mathematical principles you learned at school, leading you to make critical errors in judgement.

While the stakes are very low in this simple experiment, when it comes to managing your finances, you can’t afford to make mistakes. Mistakes that could cost you your retirement or your family’s financial future. Therefore, you need a simple, easy-to-implement framework that cuts out all the noise and enables you to make the right decisions about your investments – every time.

Are you ready to accelerate your results as an investor using a proven investor framework backed by cutting-edge technology?

Click below to get your FREE BONUS Chapter of George Antone’s Income Amplifier Blueprint and start on your journey to faster, safer, and more certain results TODAY.

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