A Celebration of Gratitude with the Fynanc Team

by | Nov 23, 2022

As we approach the holidays, it’s a wonderful time to reflect on gratitude.

The Roots of Gratitude Lie In Generosity

It is very difficult to experience gratitude without first appreciating what it is to give.

When George Antone founded Fynanc, he wanted to share the financial solutions he discovered early on in his career. His goal is to spread what he calls “financial happiness.”

“Financial happiness is a situation where your money works for you, while you get to work on living your life to the fullest.”

-George Antone

Gratitude Is An Experience

At Fynanc, we would never ask you to do anything we have not tried and tested ourselves.

Every coach on the Fynanc team started as a student. We all come from different backgrounds with different life experiences. However, what we have in common is a desire to find faster, less stressful, and more certain ways to build wealth.

We may have found George Antone and the Fynanc community via different roads, but what brings us all together is the life-altering experience of seeing the Amplified Approach transform our own lives.

The greatest gift of all is having the privilege to bring these strategies to others and watch as their lives are transformed in turn.

“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”

– John. F. Kennedy

What Our Team Has To Say:

Cara Savino - Operations Manager

“I am thankful to work for a company that believes everyone deserves financial freedom and is committed to supporting the journey of every student. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with a community that truly supports each other and is willing to share their time, expertise, growth, and journey moments each day!”

Cara Savino – Operations Manager
Charles (Chuck) Oese - Fynanc Coach

“The Fynanc way means financial security for my family and me, especially in uncertain financial times. I have been able to spend more time with my family, living my ‘perfect day,’ and less time working overtime or on side hustles. I also get to share this knowledge with students as a Fynanc Coach, and I’m thankful to help others secure their financial futures.”

Charles (Chuck) Oese – Fynanc Coach
Heather Warf - Certified I.R.I.S. Specialist ‍

To me, Fynanc means being a part of a community of like-minded individuals who are working together to help each other reach their personal financial goals. Each member of this community is willing to encourage others to continue along the journey as we all learn, build and grow our financial knowledge and skills. By working with this powerful team, I have improved my financial security. I can now live the life I desire, which I only dreamed was possible in the past.

Heather Warf – Certified I.R.I.S. Specialist
Jordan Cooper - Fynanc Coach

To me, Fynanc means certainty and peace of mind. Certainty in that I know the roadmap to get me to my financial freedom date. Peace of mind in that I am not chasing shiny objects or chasing yields. I am moving forward financially and know I am making the right decisions. I know the metrics to track and the milestones to hit, and have an amazing team of like-minded individuals that I can call my Fynanc family. Fynanc is not just about creating financial wealth (which it does), but also wealth in the ability to do the things I love most, with the people I care most about.

I am thankful to be a part of something that is bigger than myself. A community willing to work together to improve the lives of others while we all learn, grow, and help others gain financial independence so that we can live the lives we want and choose to live. To be part of not just a community, but a family that is creating a positive impact on not only our lives but the lives of generations to come. To learn from some of the greatest minds in the industry all while having an amazing time doing it. I am grateful to have found a community and program that is a positive change in this world.

Jordan Cooper – Fynanc Coach
Jean Hanham - Fynanc Coach

To me, Fynanc means moving forward and achieving my financial goals with confidence and clarity. It means learning, growing, and sharing experiences within a community of exceptional individuals. It means lifting others through a personal commitment by encouraging and helping each other to discover and achieve financial happiness. Fynanc is a feeling. It is knowing that you are in the right place, at the right time, and that you can do it … you can achieve your goals. Fynanc changes lives. In doing so, it creates the opportunity for a lasting positive impact on individuals and families for generations. Fynanc, to me, is a gem found on my journey in life for which I am forever changed and forever grateful.

Jean Hanham – Fynanc Coach

Fynanc Team

At Fynanc (pronounced “finance”), we are on a mission to help people build wealth faster, safer, with more certainty.


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