Free Yourself from Financial Stress This Christmas

by | Dec 20, 2022

Christmas is a time for giving, but have you considered that the best gift you can give yourself and your loved ones is freedom from financial stress?

Financial stress and mental health

According to the American Psychology Association, money is the leading cause of stress in the United States. Not only does financial stress affect your relationships and professional performance, but research also suggests that financial stress is a leading cause of anxiety and depression.

The reality is that no matter how hard you work, how diligently you save, or how much time and effort you put into building an investment portfolio, you are likely to fail to reach your financial goals. This has nothing to do with your ability or discipline and everything to do with how the financial system is designed.

Financial stress and mental health

The first step to alleviating your financial stress is accepting that you are not the problem. This realization allowed Fynanc student, Jordan Cooper, to free himself from financial stress forever.

Knowledge is the key to financial freedom

One of the most significant stressors when managing your finances is facing the unknown.

It’s tempting to go from month to month, just staying ahead of your bills, trusting what your financial advisors are telling you, and hoping for the best. Relying on the adage that “ignorance is bliss” is guaranteed to lead to sleepless nights when you are forced to confront the unknown when you start thinking about your future.

The most considerable risk with this approach is that by the time you reach the end of your working years, you will have run out of time. You may not have the option to retire because whatever small portion of your income you have invested in a retirement vehicle is not nearly enough to maintain your standard of living.

“The single biggest difference between financial success and financial failure is how well you manage your money. It’s simple: to master money, you must manage money.”

– T. Harv Eker, author of Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

Knowledge is the key to financial freedom

Therefore, the second step you need to take to free yourself from financial stress is to take an active role in managing your own personal finances. You can use our Break-Even Calculator to calculate the rate of return your assets need to generate to beat financial forces such as inflation. The more information you have about where you are versus where you need to be, the better.

Walk away from the illusion of building wealth

One of the biggest problems with our current financial system is that it creates an illusion of building wealth when in fact, you are falling behind your financial goals every day.

This is because most investments are calculated using nominal dollars rather than real dollars. Nominal dollars are either valued retrospectively or are projected and do not reflect REAL dollars in the current economy. You can learn more about the difference between real and nominal dollars in Part 1 of George Antone’s The Illusion of Building Wealth Part 1.

Walk away from the illusion of building wealth

If knowledge is the key to reducing your financial stress, then knowing how much money you need to reach your financial goals in real dollars is the door you must open.

Supercharge your wealth building in 2023

Considering the toll financial stress can take on your physical, emotional, and social well-being, it stands to reason that the greatest gift you can give yourself this festive season is to solve the underlying problems at the root of your financial stress.

Fortunately, there is a way to build your personal wealth that enables you to avoid many of the pitfalls of traditional investing.

Supercharge your wealth building in 2023

Our proprietary Amplifier Strategies use a combination of leverage, floats, and compounding, that enable you to use the same strategies that banks and the super-wealthy use to build wealth at a personal finance level.

In addition, our cutting-edge proprietary technology, called I.R.I.S. takes all the guesswork out of building your wealth, allowing you to reach your financial goals faster, safer, and with a whole lot less stress.

Learn more about the Amplified Approach in George Antone’s latest book:

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At Fynanc (pronounced “finance”), we are on a mission to help people build wealth faster, safer, with more certainty.


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